Every season, there is one night where the moon shines with a red hue.

That night has come to be known as a bloodmoon. And it is on that night when the vampires roam the world.

Welcome to bloodmoon! A short choose-your-adventure type game starring lesbian vampires going on a date that totally won't turn chaotic fast.

With several branching pathways, lots of words (not counting them lol), and 3 endings to unlock, it's kinda impressive that I made this in 2 days huh? (that's what procrastination does to a girl)

(Also quick warning this game does have some swear words in it)

Anyway I hope you enjoy this little project I whipped up while working on 11 other things (i wish i was joking lmao)

Let me know if there's any glitches or issues, I'll be sure to fix them quickly!

also this game may or may not be full of spelling errors so have fun with that lol!!!

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